Obviously, your brakes are pretty important. At Clower Automotive in Manchester, TN, we are here to make sure your car, truck, or SUV stops as it should. Your brake system is made of many components that all have to work correctly for your brakes to operate seamlessly. If one thing needs to be repaired, the whole system is compromised. Brake pads, rotors, hoses, calipers, and metal lines all play a part in stopping your car. Our team is equipped to make sure all of those parts are in working order, so you can be safe on the road ahead.
The type of tire you want on your fleet or commercial vehicle depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you use the vehicle. There are multiple tire styles for most applications, and one of them is right for you. At Clower Automotive in Manchester, TN, we’re ready to help you make your choice. If you’d like to narrow it down before you come see us, here’s a short rundown of common tires that will meet your specific need.
All trucks, from a Chevy S-10, to the largest, heavy-duty trucks on the road, are classified into categories. Trucks are categorized by weight into classifications 1-9, and each grade comes with its own set of regulations and license requirements. Here’s a quick guide, from Clower Automotive in Manchester.
You’ve known someone at some point that has a seemingly impossible amount of keys, keychains, and other accessories hanging from their key ring. You might even be guilty of that yourself. At [BUSINESS_ NAME] in Manchester, TN, we’ve seen our fair share of these loaded down car keys, and also the damage it can cause. Here’s what you need to know.
There is a reason we check your brake fluid when you come in for a service check. Maintenance pays big dividends and we want to avoid high repair costs for our Manchester drivers. Did you know that brake service isn't just all about the brake pads, drums & rotors? That we have found low brake fluid to be the cause of a large percentage of brake issues here at Clower Automotive? Seriously, brake fluid is an important part of your braking system and with your service intervals being less frequent on the newer vehicles 5,000-10,000 more miles this has become an issue! Why?...
Tire pressure may seem innocuous enough, but at Clower Automotive in Manchester, we know how much of a difference correct tire pressure makes. Tire pressure checks are just one of many regular service items we check when you bring your truck in for servicing, but it’s one that’s more important than you might think.
Routine services are routine for a good reason. Schedule them with us here so we can be sure that your vehicle stays in the best shape. Here’s a look into what happens when routine services aren’t performed, from Clower Automotive in Manchester, TN.
Here at Clower Automotive in Manchester, TN when your vehicle has a problem we know you want answers, and when it comes to information on pistons or engine building, most of our drivers know little about it. However, there’s some practical information regarding modern engine design that helps you better care for your vehicle, and keep it going strong. Here are some important aspects of modern piston design, and what it means for you that we felt might come in handy.
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Manchester, TN 37355
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