Brake pads are important - you don’t need them to go, but you do need them to stop. At Clower Automotive in Manchester, TN, we like to keep your vehicle stopping exactly as it should - it’s less dangerous, and it keeps insurance premiums low. So, how do you know if your brake pads are going bad? How do they work? What even are they? We’ve got the answers!
Your brake master cylinder is an integral part of your brake system. When one fails, some odd symptoms may arise, and it may be difficult to diagnose. Here’s some information to help you decide if yours has gone bad. At Clower Automotive in Manchester, TN we want you to know what to look out for so that you can be safely on the road.
A light on the dash that doesn't say - washer fluid is low immediately panics you right? It can happen when you don't keep up with standard maintenance and with older vehicles, you see it due to the age of the vehicle, however here at Clower Automotive in Manchester, we like to keep you driving happy and listening to your favorite songs or talking to friends and family worry-free! Here are some quick tips and hard lines in the sand that you do not need to ignore.
No matter what type of car, truck, or SUV you drive, old or new, it probably has doors. Those doors are heavy, and they see a lot of use. Naturally, from time to time, parts wear out. If your door doesn’t function as well as it should, here’s why, courtesy of Clower Automotive in Manchester.
At Clower Automotive in Manchester, TN, we understand that there are endless ways a transmission can sound, behave, and feel, depending on what type of vehicle it’s in, what type of transmission it is, and the state of the vehicle’s repair. Sometimes, when people buy a different vehicle, they notice it doesn’t act the same as their last vehicle, which leads them to believe there is a problem.
Travelling can be difficult, and traveling can be fun. The difference usually comes down to how much preparation you do in advance, and how many unplanned obstacles you meet along the way. A great way to avoid setbacks, mishaps, and stressful situations is to make sure your car, truck, or SUV is ready to hit the road. Here are some important points to check before travelling, from Clower Automotive in Manchester, TN.
Your pickup truck is heavy and hard working, whether it’s a Chevy, Ford, or Dodge. If you add towing to the mix, it’s even heavier and has to work harder. Your brakes are one of the most wear and tear prone systems on your diesel pickup, but at Clower Automotive in Manchester, TN, we can help you keep yours in good shape.
There are multiple types of tires on the market for almost every car, truck, or SUV. Once you decide it's time to replace your tires, the choice can be overwhelming. The type of tire you want depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you drive. At Clower Automotive in Manchester, TN, our technicians have been trained to help you make that choice. Here’s a short rundown of common street tires that will suit your needs.
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Manchester, TN 37355
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